Saturday, July 28, 2018

TESDA Approved Events Management Services NC III Training Courses Offered

For those who wish to enroll in TESDA Approved Events Management Services NC III Training Courses Offered. In this posting, we will be providing our readers and followers, with the list of all the TESDA accredited schools with events management services NC III short courses offered. The training duration for this TESDA course is 108 hours and requires student applicants to submit the  following enrollment requirements:

  1. HS Card, Diploma, NCAE FY2006-2012 High School Graduate (original & photocopy)
  2. Transcript of Records & Diploma - College Graduate (original & photocopy)
  3. Barangay Clearance (original and photocopy)
  4. Birth Certificate from NSO (original and photocopy)
  5. 2 pcs. each 1x1 and 2x2 pictures (white background)

As mentioned earlier in this post, we have furnished below the list of all the TESDA accredited schools in each region with TESDA approved Events Management Services NC III Training Courses Offered. This list is arranged by region so you'll easily find the school or training center in your area that offers the said TESDA course. Also specified in this are the respective addresses of each school including their available telephone or mobile numbers that you may call to relay your inquiries.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Domestic Work NC II Short Training Courses Offered in TESDA

For those who wish to enroll in Domestic Work NC II Short Training Courses Offered in TESDA. We have gathered and posted below a list containing the names of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers with TESDA approved Domestic Work NC II vocational courses. The required training duration for this TESDA course is 714 hours and a person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be employed as a:

Domestic Worker
Kitchen Helper
Hotel Cleaner

And to help you find the nearest TESDA accredited school with Domestic Work NC II short training courses offered in your area, we have furnished below the list of schools and training centers with TESDA registered program in Domestic Work NC II and Domestic Work NC II Mobile Training Program. The schools and training centers in this list are provided by TESDA agency including the address and available contact numbers of each school and training center in case you wish to inquire personally or by phone.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

TESDA Approved Trainers Methodology Training Courses Offered

For those who wish to work in TESDA as a TVET Trainer, Training Facilitator, or Competency Assessor, there are a number of TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers with TESDA Approved Trainers Methodology Training Courses Offered. These TESDA Trainers Methodology vocational courses have qualifications for Level I and Level II and to qualify for enrollment a student applicant must meet the following qualifications:

  • Graduate of baccalaureate degree or equivalent in training/experience along the field of Technical -Vocational Education  and Training 
  • Certified at the same or higher NC Level in the qualification that will be handled (for technical trainers)
  • Able to communicate orally and in writing
  • Physically fit and mentally healthy
  • Proficient in quantitative and qualitative analysis 
  • Proficient in verbal reasoning

Given below is the list of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers with TESDA approved Trainers Methodology training courses offered. This list was taken from the list provided by TESDA including the current location address of each school and training center and their available telephone or mobile numbers that you may call if you wish to inquire.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Animal Production Technical Vocational Training Courses in TESDA

For those who wish to work abroad as a Poultry Farmer, Swine Farmer, or Dairy Farmer, TESDA together with a number of its accredited schools, are currently offering Animal Production Technical Vocational Training Courses in TESDA. These vocational short courses are included in the list of TESDA approved courses under the TVET program or Technical Vocational Education and Training program of the agency. To qualify for enrollment in the Animal Production Courses being offered, you must meet the following qualifications:

  • Able to read and write
  • With good moral character
  • Able to communicate, both orally and in writting
  • Physically fit and mentally healthy as certified by a Public Health Officer

Listed below are the possible job vacancies that a TESDA certified Animal Production course graduate may apply for:

Animal Production (Poultry-Chicken) NC II

  • Poultry farmer
  • Poultry farm worker
  • Poultry farm assistant
  • Poultry farm caretaker
  • Poultry service crew 
  • Broiler raiser
  • Layer raiser
  • Poultry breeder
  • Flock man

Animal Production (Ruminants) NC II

  • Livestock Raiser/Farmer
  • Cattle Farm Worker (Specialist)
  • Goat raiser/farmer
  • Dairy Raiser/Farmer

Animal Production (Swine) NC II

  • Swine Raiser/Farmer
  • Swine Production Technician
  • Swine Farm Specialist

And to help you find the nearest accredited school in your area that offers Animal Production Technical Vocational Training Courses in TESDA. we have furnished below a list of all the schools nationwide with TESDA approved Animal Production vocational courses.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Carpentry Vocational Short Courses in TESDA

For those who wish to learn Carpentry, you can enroll in any of the Carpentry Vocational Short Courses in TESDA offered by various TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers nationwide. The said carpentry short courses have qualifications for NC II and NC III certifications and require all student applicants to have the following qualifications:

  • A holder of National Certificate Level I (for Carpentry NC II)
  • Good Moral Character
  • Ability to communicate both oral and written
  • Physically fit and mentally healthy
  • Can perform basic mathematical computation and mensuration

Besides meeting the qualifications listed above, all student applicants must also submit the following enrollment requirements:

  1. HS Card, Diploma, NCAE FY2006-2012 High School Graduate (original & photocopy)
  2. Transcript of Records & Diploma - College Graduate (original & photocopy)
  3. Barangay Clearance (original and photocopy)
  4. Birth Certificate from NSO (original and photocopy)
  5. 2 pcs. each 1x1 and 2x2 pictures (white background)

And to help you find the nearest school or training center in your area, we have furnished below the regional list of all the accredited schools and TESDA training centers that offers Carpentry NC II and Carpentry NC III vocational short courses. For inquiries regarding the TESDA courses they offer, you can dial their office telephone numbers that are included in the list.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Tourism Promotion Services NC II Technical Vocational Training Courses Offered

For those who wish to work in the tourism sector, TESDA together with a number of its accredited schools, is now offering qualified Filipinos to enroll in Tourism Promotion Services NC II Technical Vocational Training Courses Offered. The normal training duration for this TESDA vocational course is 76 hours and those who passed the assessment examination for Tourism Promotion Services NC II is qualified for employment as a:

  1. Tourist Information Officer (LGU)
  2. Tourism Desk Officer (LGU)
  3. Travel Adviser/Consultant (Tourism Enterprise)
  4. Concierge Agent (Tourism Enterprise)

Furnished below is the said list of TESDA accredited schools nationwide with Tourism Promotion Services NC II technical vocational training courses offered. This list was obtained from the list provided by TESDA agency thru their website including the addresses and contact numbers of each accredited school.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Hilot Massage Training Courses Offered in TESDA

For those who wish to learn Hilot Massage or Wellness Massage, TESDA in partnership with various schools nationwide, are offering Filipinos the chance to enroll in Hilot Massage Training Courses Offered in TESDA. This TESDA vocational course has qualification for NC II certification and requires 120 hrs. to complete the training. And to qualify for enrollment in the said TESDA training course, student applicants must have the following qualifications:

  • 18 years old and above
  • Must pass the personality/aptitude test
  • Can communicate effectively both oral and written form
  • Physically, emotionally and mentally fit
  • Good moral character

And to help you find the nearest school or training center in your area, we have posted below the list of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training center in each region with Hilot Massage training courses offered. Also provided in this list are the addresses and contact numbers of each school and training center for those who wish to inquire.