Monday, October 29, 2018

Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NC II Vocational Short Courses in TESDA

For those who are in search of schools or training centers that offer Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NC II Vocational Short Courses in TESDA. In this posting, we will be providing our readers with a list showing the names of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers in each region with TESDA approved motorcycle/small engine servicing NC II training course. The motorcycle/small engine servicing NC II qualification is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of an individual in the field of motorcycle/small engine servicing in accordance with industry standards. It covers core competencies such as; service engine system; service electrical system; service chassis and overhaul motorcycle engine. This course is also designed to equip the individual the basic and common knowledge, skills and attitudes of a motorcycle mechanic in accordance with industry standards. The required total length of training for this TESDA vocational course is 650 hours.

Shown below is the said list of TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers in each region that offer Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NC II vocational courses in TESDA. These names were copied from the list found on the agency's website and reposted here for your reference. This list also includes the address and contact number of the school and training center with a registered program in motorcycle/small engine servicing NC II.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Construction Painting NC II Vocational Short Courses Offered in TESDA

For those who are looking for schools or training centers with Construction Painting NC II Vocational Short Courses Offered in TESDA. We have compiled below a list showing the names of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA Regional and Provincial training centers with registered program in Construction Painting NC II. This training course is designed to equip an individual with operational skills in construction painting, such as preparing tools, painting materials and equipment, preparing surface for painting, performing painting work, and performing re-touching work. For the this TESDA vocational course, the minimum training duration required by the agency for construction painting NC II is 178 hours.

Given below are the names of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers with Construction Painting NC II vocational short courses offered in TESDA. The names of the schools and training centers in this list came from the list found at the agency's website including the address and telephone or mobile numbers for those who wish to inquire personally or by phone.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Free Courses and Enrollment in TESDA Regional Training Center VII

TESDA RTC VII is now accepting enrollees/trainees for,
✔️Garments and Housekeeping Technology (Dressmaking & Housekeeping)
✔️Computer System Servicing 
✔️Electronics Products Assembly
✔️Hotel and Home Technology (Domestic work & Housekeeping
Benefits: Free
Consumables, Toolkit, assessment fee, and living allowance.
How to enroll: Just visit TESDA-Regional Training Center-Cebu (Registrar's office) for Profiling Exam and Interview ON OCTOBER 24-25-26, 2018.
Enrollment Requirements:
*Sr. High School Report card or TOR for Undergraduate in College/ Certification of passed from DepEd for ALS passers.
*Police Clearance
*Pictures (1"x1" -2pcs and passport size picture- 2pcs.colored white background with collar.
*Medical Certification - Fit to undergo training.
*Birth Certificate from NSO. (Photocopy)
# 18 years old above
# High School Graduate
# ALS graduate (passer)
# College Level/ College Undergraduate
# College Graduate / Degree holder

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Masonry Vocational Training Courses in TESDA

For those who wish to study Masonry, there are a number of TESDA accredited schools and TESDA regional and provincial training centers nationwide that offers Masonry Vocational Training Courses in TESDA. This TESDA vocational course is among the list of TESDA courses under the TVET or Technical Vocational Education and Training Program of the agency. Given below are the levels of qualification for Masonry and the corresponding minimum training duration required by TESDA for each masonry vocational course:   

Masonry NC I --- 104 hours
Masonry NC II -- 258 hours
Masonry NC III - 364 hours

Provided below is the list of TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers in each region with masonry vocational training courses in TESDA. This list was copied from the list found at TESDA agency website and reposted here for easier access. Also included in this list is the address of each school and training center and also their available telephone or mobile numbers that you may use to relay your inquiries regarding the details of the TESDA vocational courses they offer.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) Servicing Vocational Training Courses Offered in TESDA

For those who wish to study Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Servicing or RAC Servicing, we have posted below a list showing the names of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers in each region with Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) Servicing Vocational Training Courses Offered in TESDA. These RAC servicing courses are DomRAC NC II, PACU/CRE Servicing NC III, and Transport RAC Servicing NC II. Stated below are the minimum training duration required by TESDA for each of the said RAC Servicing course:

= Domestic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (DomRAC) Servicing NC II (480 hrs.)
= Packaged-type Air Conditioning Unit/Commercial Refrigeration Equipment (PACU/CRE) Servicing NC III (226 hrs.)
= Transport RAC (Refrigeration and Air Conditioning) Servicing NC II (212 hrs.)

Shown below is the regional list of schools and training centers that offer Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Servicing vocational short training courses. This list was provided by TESDA agency thru their website including the address of each school and training center and their available telephone or mobile numbers for those who wish to inquire by phone.

Health Care Services NC II Vocational Training Courses in TESDA

For those who wish to work in the health care sector, you can add to your list of credentials, a certificate from a TESDA accredited school that offer Health Care Services NC II Vocational Training Courses in TESDA. This training course is among the TESDA courses being offered under the Technical Vocational Education and Training or TVET program of TESDA agency which aims to equip the Filipino workforce with technical skills and training that are in line with international competency standards to help them compete in the local or international labor market. The minimum training duration required by TESDA for this vocational course is 996 hours and those who successfully achived NC II qualification in Health Care Services is qualified to work locally or abroad as a: 

Health Aide
Nursing Aide
Nursing Attendant
Hospital Assistant

Given below are the names of TESDA accredited schools and training centers from the Cordillera Administrative Region or CAR up to ARMM or Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. This list was provided by the agency thru their website and reposted here in TESDA Courses for easier access of those who are looking for this kind of information. Also included in this list is the address and available telephone or mobile numbers of each school or training center in case you have questions you need to ask regarding the specifics of the Health Care Services NC II vocational training course they offer.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Massage Therapy NC II Training Courses Offered

For those who wish to study Massage Therapy, we have gathered and posted below the list of all the TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers with Massage Therapy NC II Training Courses Offered. This massage therapy vocational course is included in the list of TESDA approved courses and is technically designed to improve the attitude, knowledge, and competency of Massage Therapy workers in compliance with massage practice standards which includes the basic, common, and core competencies in Massage Therapy NC II. For this TESDA course, the minimum training duration required by TESDA is 700 hours.

Shown below is the regional list of TESDA accredited schools and TESDA training centers with TESDA approved Massage Therapy NC II training courses offered. This list was provided by TESDA agency thru their website including the location address of each school and training center and their available telephone or mobile numbers for those who wish to inquire by phone.